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Vorarlberg Invests Massively in Renewable Energy
Politics ♦
Published: February 7, 2012; 19:33 ♦ (Vindobona)
The Austrian province aims for enlarging renewable energy production together with the South-German energy group EnBW. Investments total € 600m.
Vorarlberg Invests Massively in Renewable Energy / Picture: © Vindobona.org
Illwerke AG, which is owned by the province of Vorarlberg, closes long-term contracts with EnBW, which secured 50% of the electricity by Illwerke AG. Conversely, EnBW participates in annual costs of Illwerke AG as well as future investments. Now, both management boards of the regional energy suppliers agreed over the extension of the contract until 2041. Illwerke AG will act as supplier…
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