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voestalpine AG /voestalpine Annual General Shareholders' Meeting approves dividend of one euro
Press Wire ♦
Published: July 1, 2015; 15:26 ♦ (Vindobona)

Today, at the 23rd Annual General Shareholders' Meeting of voestalpine AG, a dividend of one euro (after EUR 0.95 in the previous year) for each dividend-bearing share was approved for the business year 2014/15. The shareholders acted on the relevant recommendation by the Management Board and the Supervisory Board. The dividend shall be paid out starting on July 13, 2015 (ex-dividend date is July 6, 2015).

Corporate news transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer/originator is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.
Annual & Special Corporate Meetings
- Dividend of one euro per share for the business year 2014/15
- Management Board authorized to repurchase own shares
Today, at the 23rd Annual General Shareholders' Meeting of voestalpine AG,…
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