Upper Austria Waits for Google

CompaniesTechnology ♦ Published: October 8, 2011; 12:52 ♦ (Vindobona)

The Austrian province already has provided the infrastructure for the U.S. internet service provider google. But construction works for the data processing center did not began until now.

Upper Austria Waits for Google / Picture: © Wikimedia Commons / The Pancake of Heaven! [CC BY-SA (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0)]

In 2008, Upper Austria presented proudly the planned settlement of the U.S. corporation google. A new data processing center should be established. Due to the proximity to three international glass fiber routes and the electricity of hydro power stations, the decision was in favor of Kronstorf in Upper Austria. The popular internet service provider wanted to have access to renewable…