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UNIQA Insurance Group AG / UNIQA records higher premiums and earnings growth after the first nine months
Press Wire ♦
Published: November 16, 2017; 07:59 ♦ (Vindobona)
The UNIQA Insurance Group (UNIQA) continued to grow in all insurance sectors in the first three quarters of 2017. In total, premiums written - including the savings portion of unit- and index-linked life insurance - rose by more than 6.1 per cent.
UNIQA Insurance Group AG / UNIQA records higher premiums and earnings growth after the first nine months / Picture: © Vindobona.org
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Company Information
Vienna - UNIQA records higher premiums and earnings growth after the first nine
* Group premiums written rise 6.1 per cent to EUR 4,043.9 million
* Technical result increases by…
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