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RBI Redeems Participation Capital
Raiffeisen Bank International AG (RBI) is now also repaying the privately-placed participation capital. On 6 June 2014, RBI paid back the state-held tranche of the participation capital with a nominal value of € 1.75 billion. On 10 September, the repayment of the outstanding participation capital held by private investors with a nominal value of € 0.75 billion will follow.
RBI Raiffeisen Bank International redeems participation capital / Picture: © Raiffeisen Bank International AG / S. Klimpt
The repayment takes place against the background of a solid capital position as well as a changed regulatory environment, in which the participation capital is only partially recognized during a transitional period and thereafter will no longer be attributable to common equity tier 1 capital.
A capital increase of € 2.78 billion at the beginning of this year formed the basis…
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