Raiffeisen Centrobank Reports Increase in Profit

Businessn.a. ♦ Published: September 2, 2011; 20:41 ♦ (Vindobona)

Net interest income declined, while trading profit and net fee and commission income increased substantially. Turbulences on financial markets might burden the bank’s business development.

Raiffeisen Centrobank Reports Increase in Profit / Picture: © Raiffeisen Centrobank

Raiffeisen Centrobank (RCB) AG, the investment banking unit of the Raiffeisen group, reported strong results for the first half of the year. The group net profit increased by 31% to € 15.1m. For the first six months of the previous year, the bank had reported a net result of € 11.5m.

Significant improvements were registered for both the commission income and the trading…