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Poland: Economy Begins to Accelerate
Politics ♦
Published: August 31, 2013; 14:20 ♦ (Vindobona)
In the third quarter of 2013, Poland´s economy will grow by 1.0% year on year.
Poland: Economy Begins to Accelerate / Picture: © Wikimedia Commons [CC0 1.0] / Pixabay [CC0 Creative Commons]
Poland´s Deputy Minister of Finance Wojciech Kowalczyk told to reporters that the country´s economic development faces a trend reversal. After a growth rate of 0.1% in the first quarter and 0.8% in the second quarter, the Polish economy begins to accelerate. In the third quarter, GDP growth will reach about 1.0% or 1.1%, Kowalczyk said.
According to NBP´s governor Marek Belka,…
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