Paierl Said to Become Next Chairman at ÖIAG

People ♦ Published: August 16, 2012; 19:45 ♦ (Vindobona)

After months of discrete discussions, the new chairman of the Austrian Industrial Holding (ÖIAG) seems to be certain.

Paierl Said to Become Next Chairman at ÖIAG / Picture: © Österreichische Industrieholding AG (ÖIAG)

According to the Austrian business magazine “Format”, the governing ÖVP will mandate Herbert Paierl as new chairman of ÖIAG. ÖVP´s leader and Vice-Chancellor Michael Spindelegger is said to have made an offer to Paierl. Finance Minister Maria Fekter is said to support Paierl.

The next supervisory board meeting of ÖIAG will take place on September 7. It seems to be…