OMV to Invest EUR 500 Mio in Tunisia

EnergyOil & Gas ♦ Published: May 30, 2014; 18:55 ♦ (Vindobona)

The Nawara project underlines Tunisia’s significant role in OMV’s portfolio and it is a decisive stage of the key Nawara gas field development project.

OMV invests EUR 500 Mio in Tunisia / Picture: © Wikimedia Commons / DanielZanetti [CC BY 3.0 (]

According to OMV the Nawara project together with ETAP underlines Tunisia’s significant role in OMV’s portfolio and it is a decisive stage of the key Nawara gas field development project.

Also, the Tunisian government, ETAP, and OMV are fully committed to the investment plan. The first production of gas is expected to take place in 2016.

Tunisian Minister of Industry,…