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International Congresses: Vienna Worldwide Number Two - UN Events Contribute 7% of Conference Nights
The Vienna meetings industry progresses from record to record. With 186 meetings, Vienna remains behind Paris with 196 meetings, number 2 in the Worldwide Ranking of the ICCA (International Congress and Convention Association). In the year prior to that, Vienna was still in fifth place. The proportion of congresses that can be allocated exclusively to the United Nations is enormous and accounts for around 7% of overnight stays.
International Congress Cities: Vienna Worldwide Number 2 behind Paris / Picture: © ICCA - International Congress and Convention Association
> One in every eight overnight stays accounted for by meetings and congresses
> Vienna has established a clear lead in the field of conference tourism
> UN events contribute 7 percent of conference nights
> Induced economic impact reaches new high at EUR 1.163 billion (up 8%)
> Ten-year comparison: induced…
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