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Hungary: Orban Rejects IMF´s Conditions
Politics ♦
Published: September 8, 2012; 16:36 ♦ (Vindobona)
This week, a list containing IMF´s conditions for a € 15bn loan became public. However, it is not known whether the list is a counterfeit. Not at this price and not in this way.” Hungary´s Prime Minister Viktor Orban said.
Hungary: Orban Rejects IMF´s Conditions / Picture: © Wikipedia / Európa Pont
This week, the Hungarian newspaper “Magyar Nemzet” has published a list of demands against the Hungarian government. As Hungary applied for a safety loan at IMF, further cuts in public expenditures are expected. Hungary aims to reach a loan ranging from € 15bn to € 20bn.
According to this list, IMF expects “structural improvements with a size of 2.0% of GDP”. Above…
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