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Hungary: Negotiations on IMF Loan to be Concluded in Autumn
Politics ♦
Published: July 7, 2012; 19:38 ♦ (Vindobona)
Since January, the Hungarian government tries to secure a € 15bn loan by IMF and the European Central Bank. A final solution may be found in the next months.
Hungary: Negotiations on IMF Loan to be Concluded in Autumn / Picture: © Vindobona.org
According to Hungary´s chief negotiator Mihaly Varga, the negotiations with IMF end ECB on the € 15bn bailout may be concluded in October. On Friday, Hungary´s Parliament held a vote to open the negotiations.
The Hungarian Parliament approved the plan to amend the central bank law. This law was seen as threat for the independence of the Hungarian central bank. As a result,…
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