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Gernot Blümel Now Working for Superfund Co-Founder Christian Baha
Former Austrian finance minister to become CEO of Superfund from March 2022 and is expected to push the asset manager's expansion.
Blümel: "Especially in times of low interest rates and high inflation, private asset provision is becoming increasingly important for safeguarding a society's prosperity." / Picture: © Wikimedia Commons / Bundesministerium für Finanzen, CC BY 2.0
Mag. Gernot Blümel, MBA, Federal Minister of Finance under Kurz and Schallenberg until December 6, 2021, is to be appointed Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Superfund Group of investment companies, according to a statement from Superfund Asset Management GmbH.
The former politician (ÖVP - Austrian People's Party) will lead the group of companies, which has been operating for 26 years and has offices in Europe, the United States and Asia, from March 2022.
He is to push ahead with international expansion in particular. …
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