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Gazpromneft-Aero Signed Major Contract With Turkish Airlines
Politics ♦
Published: May 8, 2013; 20:33 ♦ (Vindobona)
Gazpromneft-Aero signed a long-term contract with the Turkish airline transport company to refuel all flights.
Gazpromneft-Aero Signed Major Contract With Turkish Airlines / Picture: © Gazprom
Gazpromneft-Aero, the enterprise withing Gazprom Neft in charge of plane fuel, has signed a long-term contract with Turkish Airlines where all fights of the airline are supposted to refuel at Manas International Airport (Bishtek, Kyrgyztan). The contract is in line with international standards and bases on the current price structures of Platts.
In 2012, Gazpromneft-Aero has…
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