BMW Austria Fears Lack in Skilled Labor

People ♦ Published: October 4, 2011; 16:14 ♦ (Vindobona)

The German automobile corporation´s factory in Steyr, Austria, already produces 5000 engines per day. 200 new workers were hired this year.

BMW Austria Fears Lack in Skilled Labor / Picture: © Wikimedia Commons / Diego Delso [CC BY-SA 3.0 (]

BMW´s situation in Austria is highly satisfying. At the moment, 3.000 workers are being employed. The target of BMW Austria is to reach an output of 1.2m engines per year – the goal could become reality soon. Every 17 seconds a new engine is being produced, which is an output of 5000 engines every day.

The only thing for CEO Gerhard Wölfel is the lack in skilled labor. “The…