Austria's Government Faces Expected Motion of No Confidence

PeoplePoliticians ♦ Published: May 27, 2019; 10:25 ♦ (Vindobona)

After the victory in the election to the European Parliament, Chancellor Sebastian Kurz and his government are threatened with an abrupt end. The Social Democrats (SPÖ) will table their own motion of censure against the entire Kurz cabinet. A clear decision by the Freedom Party (FPÖ) is still pending.

The overthrow of Austria's Chancellor Sebastian Kurz by a vote of no confidence is likely, but depends on the still outstanding clear decision of the previous coalition partner Freedom Party (FPÖ). / Picture: ©

Sebastian Kurz's ÖVP under top candidate Otmar Karas received strong support from voters in the European elections. According to the final result plus postal vote prognosis, the People's Party received 34.9 percent of the votes, an increase of 7.9 percentage points compared to the EU election in 2014.

The right-wing populist Freedom Party (FPÖ) lost 2.5 percentage points and…