Andritz receives major order for new stainless steel works from China

CountriesAsia-Pacific ♦ Published: July 20, 2010; 00:00 ♦ (Vindobona)

International technology Group ANDRITZ has received an order from Fujian Fuxin Special Steel Co. Ltd. to supply major components and systems for a new stainless steel plant in Fujian Province, China.

Andritz receives major order for new stainless steel works from China / Picture: ©

The scope of supply comprises an annealing and pickling line for hot-rolled stainless steel strip, with integrated S6-high cold rolling mill, and a mixed acid regeneration plant using the Pyromars process developed by ANDRITZ METALS. The total order value is approximately €44m ($56.75). Start-up is scheduled for the fourth quarter of 2012.

The annealing and pickling line has…