Andritz: Favorable Business Development in Second Quarter 2011

CompaniesTechnology ♦ Published: August 9, 2011; 11:51 ♦ (Vindobona)

The Austrian technology group showed a good business development in the second quarter of 2011 and increased all relevant key figures compared to last year’s reference period.

Andritz: Favorable Business Development in Second Quarter 2011 / Picture: © Andritz

Sales of the Andritz Group amounted to € 1,087.4m in the second quarter of 2011 and were thus 31.0% higher than the reference figure for the previous year (Q2 2010: € 829.9m). While sales of Feed & Biofuel were unchanged, all other business areas noted a substantial increase in sales. In the first half of 2011, sales of the Group amounted to € 2,011.1m, thus rising by 28.7%…